
MBG240 Frosted Topaz – Coyote


MBG240 Frosted Topaz

De Archie’s Series kan een uitdaging zijn in het gebruik, maar beloont uw vaardigheid met enkele van de mooiste glazuren die er zijn. Ze vloeien en reageren dramatisch met andere kleuren, waardoor fantastische afwerkingen ontstaan die anders zijn dan alles wat in een elektrische oven mogelijk is. Ze worden ook sterk beïnvloed door langzaam afkoelen.

stooktemperatuur 1180 – 1220 graden


The Archie’s Series can be challenging to use, but rewards your skill with some of the most beautiful glazes available.  They flow and interact with other colors dramatically, creating fantastic finishes unlike anything else possible in an electric kiln.  They are also strongly affected by slow-cooling.

Every kiln and firing is different. It is best to use witness cones in every firing.

Coyote glazes are designed to be fired between witness cone 5 and witness cone 6.

Cone readings are a combintation of time and temperature, and do not correspond directly to any specific temp in degrees. Most digitally controlled kilns have a pre-programmed cone fire setting that will allow you to reach the proper temperature with minimal fussing (we use a cone 5, fast, with 30 minute hold.) For manual (sitter) kilns we recommend using a 6 cone.

Thermocouples and other electronic measuring devices are prone to error and degrade over time. The only way to be certain that your kiln is firing to the right temperature is to use witness cones every time you fire your kiln.
The tip of your self supporting cone 5 should be at least even with the base, and the tip of the cone 6 should not touch the shelf.

Test all foodware to determine food safety.